About Us
Hi! We are the Blotskes - Chet, Jamie, Rowen, Berric (Bear) and Wilder.
Chet is from Bismarck, ND, while Jamie, Rowen, Bear and Wilder are all Montana born and raised. We currently reside in Montana and we believe it will always be our home base.
Our story is quite possibly similar to yours. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, girl marries boy, they find a house to call home and a few years later, three tiny humans move in. Life for boy and girl is now extremely messy, very unpredictable, highly emotional and not nearly as smooth as it use to be. Oh, and we must not forget the spit-up, snot, and shi... other stuff. They definitely deserve an honorable mention.
Sound familiar? Ok, good. We aren't the only ones.
Despite the hardships and extra work that children bring, we've never experienced a love and joy like this before. Our boys mean the world to us and for that reason, we want to give them the world.
The outdoors is a huge part of our lives. We strapped our first born in a front carrying backpack at only 9 DAYS old and we've been exploring ever since! We have no intentions of slowing down. In fact, we are ready to take it to the next level.
This family of five is going to adventure in all 50 states (Check out our 'Welcome' post to get more details). Along the way, we hope to make new friends, build solid partnerships, grow closer to one another, motivate others and ultimately, create memories that will last a lifetime and beyond.
We'd love for you to follow along and join us on this journey as we, the Blotskes, travel America (and beyond).